Connect Amazon AWS with MailerUp

In our previous article we successfully created Amazon AWS account you can check here. Than we also created SES for sending the emails you can check here.

Now, We will connect Amazon with MailerUp.

First you need to create Amazon AWS access key and AWS secret key.

Login to your AWS account and click on My Security Credentials,

a popup will appear click on Continue to Security Credentials,

Now click on Access keys and than click  on Create New Access Key

your keys has generated now you can see or you can download it,

Now login to your MailerUp account. In Setting drop down click on Sending servers.

Click on New Server button,

Than choose Amazon API

Now input your desired name and input your AWS access key and AWS secret key here, Choose your AWS region from drop down, In sending limit you can set emails to be send in per hour, minute or day basis or click on unlimited if you wish to send without limit.

Now click on save button or click on test button to test whether the API is working or not.

You have successfully connected with Amazon SES.


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