Connect Amazon AWS with MailerUp

In our previous article we successfully created Amazon AWS account you can check here. Than we also created SES for sending the emails you can check here. Now, We will connect Amazon with MailerUp. First you need to create Amazon AWS access key and AWS secret key. Login to your AWS account and click on My Security Credentials, a popup will appear click on Continue to Security Credentials, Now click on Access keys and than click  on Create New Access Key your keys has generated now you can see or you can download it, Now login to your MailerUp account.…

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Amazon SES email setup guide

In our previous article we successfully created our Amzon AWS account. You can read here. Now we gonna create our email account to send the emails via Amazon SES. So let's get started, Login to your amazon console account here : After login type SES in search box, Amazon SES not supported in all regions so if your current region is not supported than you will get this page, Select any of the supported regions. Now you will redirect to SES home page, click on select email address in left hand side panel. Next you have to click on…

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How to create Amazon AWS account

How to create Amazon AWS account Amazon Simple Email Service ( AWS SES ) is highly cost effective and transnational email sending for business and developers. Amazon web Service has pay as you go model you will be charged for what you actually used. You can read more about them here. MailerUp needs to connect with Amazon SES via API. So you need to have an Amazon SES account to getting start with MailerUp. Below is step by step guide to create Amazon AWS account, Step 1 :- Create Amazon SES account. You need to create Amazon SES account if…

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